Social Media Marketing

Social Media is the power of masses showing in the online world and it is growing faster than even the marketing gurus can catch up, almost like a beast. With hundreds of social media platforms; FB, Twitter, Google+ to name just a few, ignoring Social Media is like keeping your shop half closed.

Social Media offers great incentives for all types of businesses. With people talking, sharing, commenting on every image, video, article, it is a great platform for any business to be on. Even small business may come to stand at par with big ones in terms of following they may earn with correctly executed campaigns.

Social Media Marketing (SMM) is all about how well you talk about your business to people and how many listen.

An effective campaign starts with defining your business goals, your target audience, their social media usage habits and what you want conveyed to them.

Social Media Featured

There could be various goals a business or an individual may want achieved

  • Enhancement in website traffic
  • Increasing brand awareness.
  • Building conversions.
  • Building a following of key audiences via communication.

SMM strategies accordingly are different for each goal. We make use of a combination of following to device SMM plans for our campaigns.

SMM strategies accordingly are different for each goal.
We make use of a combination of following to device SMM plans for our campaigns.

Quality Content

Quality Content with Variety

This is the most important aspect of SMM. Content that speaks rightly about your business using images, videos and infographics organized within right text is a winner every time.

It engages the readers very powerfully. We serve such content to your readers in right quantity, at the right time and regularly. Such content may be small posts or long articles as required in campaigns.

Brand Consistency

We fashion our posts in a manner that they reflect your brand and leave an impression on viewers’ minds. We make sure your brand image confirms to each social platform’s voice.



A blog is a great way to serve your followers fresh content on social media to keep them engaged with your business. Broadcasting blog postings on social media also subtly conveys to your followers that yours is a happening business.

Our polished, professional content writers create great content centered around your products and services to serve as visually appealing posts on social media.

Keeping and Eye on Competitors

This is the most important aspect of SMM. Content that speaks rightly about your business using images, videos and infographics organized within right text is a winner every time.

It engages the readers very powerfully. We serve such content to your readers in right quantity, at the right time and regularly. Such content may be small posts or long articles as required in campaigns.


Analyzing and Measuring

Analytics is a crucial part of any campaign. Good tracking provides valuable data and a good perspective on whether or not a given strategy is meeting its goals, if it needs to be modified or continued at all. We attach tracking tags to our social media campaigns and deploy professional tools like Google Analytics for effective tracking. We delve deep into analytics to refine, fine-tune your campaigns consistently.

  • Setting up Social Media accounts.
  • Designing title banners for Social Media accounts.
  • Inviting your circles to like / follow your social media page.
  • Checking comments on your page on regular basis and responding to them on your behalf.
  • Moderating comments posted.
  • Deploying relevant social media plugins to meet a given goal.
  • Submitting posts according to the voice and texture of a given Social Media platform. For example, overly light and mischievous posts may not be welcome on Linkedin, it being a professional network.

Let’s work together

We can help you with any of your requirements. Request a free consultation