Email Marketing

Email Marketing is Email-based and matchless therefore, email being the most effective form of communication, ever deployed in recent history, in its simplicity, economy, reach and speed in delivering messages.

The above words succinctly imply the wonders correct Email Marketing can do for a business.

The word ‘Correct’ is significant because the effectiveness and sheer reach of Email Marketing has also been the reason why mailboxes are flooded with spam. Security systems, web hosts and ISPs have been compelled to deploy stringent spam control measures, on their vigil for that mail titled ‘I am from Nigeria and have $5 Mil. to transfer to your account’.

Unfortunately such technical checks provide little for decent, clean, promotional emails from reputed companies and tend to block even these. Result is waste of sender’s effort, time and of course money.

Our Email Marketing Campaigns are designed to overcome delivery problem in a White hat manner. We play by the protocols all along, maximizing email delivery and minimizing email filtering at ISP or Web host level. Some of these are:

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Reaching recipients is one thing and surviving their DELETE is another. Recipient suffering under email abuse are more ruthless than any security system. Designing an email campaign to first engage users with Email Title and then sustaining their interest long enough so they read the entire email is what Email Marketing is all about.

The 10 mantras and methodologies below should amply demonstrate the care and thought we put in designing email our campaigns.

Don’t Intrude

Don’t Intrude Upon Recipient’s Mailbox

Email Campaigns seek to send out regular emails so it is crucial that even recipients who do not require your products or services immediately should not find your emails an intrusion. They should be precise enough to quickly inform the recipients of what you are selling and let them move on to other items in their Inbox. ...The recipients may still delete the email but they will leave a positive impression on their minds.

Relating Mail Subject and Preview Text

Relating Mail Subject and Preview Text

It is a great idea to relate the Subject and Preview text in an email. For example if the Subject is a Question then Preview text can be a short answer, gelling with the rest of the text in the mail body. ...The recipient may open the mail even out of curiosity.

Making Use of alt Attribute

Making Use of alt Attribute

It is a great idea to relate the Subject and Preview text in an email. For example if the Subject is a Question then Preview text can be a short answer, gelling with the rest of the text in the mail body. ...The recipient may open the mail even out of curiosity.

Telling Subscribers You Care

Telling Subscribers You Care

It is a great idea to relate the Subject and Preview text in an email. For example if the Subject is a Question then Preview text can be a short answer, gelling with the rest of the text in the mail body. ...The recipient may open the mail even out of curiosity.

Engaging Your Subscribers in Surveys

Engaging Your Subscribers in Surveys

It is a great idea to relate the Subject and Preview text in an email. For example if the Subject is a Question then Preview text can be a short answer, gelling with the rest of the text in the mail body. ...The recipient may open the mail even out of curiosity.

Making Your Emails Fun to Read

Making Your Emails Fun to Read

It is a great idea to relate the Subject and Preview text in an email. For example if the Subject is a Question then Preview text can be a short answer, gelling with the rest of the text in the mail body. ...The recipient may open the mail even out of curiosity.

That Animated GIF

That Animated GIF

It is a great idea to relate the Subject and Preview text in an email. For example if the Subject is a Question then Preview text can be a short answer, gelling with the rest of the text in the mail body. ...The recipient may open the mail even out of curiosity.

Routine as a Promotional Pretext

Routine as a Promotional Pretext

It is a great idea to relate the Subject and Preview text in an email. For example if the Subject is a Question then Preview text can be a short answer, gelling with the rest of the text in the mail body. ...The recipient may open the mail even out of curiosity.

The Visual Appeal

The Visual Appeal

It is a great idea to relate the Subject and Preview text in an email. For example if the Subject is a Question then Preview text can be a short answer, gelling with the rest of the text in the mail body. ...The recipient may open the mail even out of curiosity.

Let’s work together

We can help you with any of your requirements. Request a free consultation